To serve the Harmony area by supporting projects which improve the quality of life and build a stronger community.
The Harmony Area Community Foundation was established in 2012 by a group of residents dedicated to improving Harmony’s quality of life. HACF received its “seed” money from the former Trust for a Better Harmony, which was instrumental in building the Harmony-Preston bike trail and other large community projects. The trust has received several generous donations over the years – HACF is proud of this legacy and is excited to carry this torch forward!
- Parks & Trails
- Fillmore Central Schools
- Public Library
- Arts & History
- Health & the Environment
- Community Support and Growth
To date, HACF has donated over $559,000
to local Harmony projects
Like the Veterans Memorial, Splash Pad, Music Park,
Various School Projects and Monster Bash!
- $1,500 FC Scholarship Fund two $750 awards
- $1,440 Fillmore Central High Schools Media Center Literary Classics update
- $5,000 Monster Bash Inc. Capital Campaign Fund ($15,000 Total commitment)
- $5,000 Fillmore County Ag Society For 4H Bldg improvements
- $500 Harmony Community Healthcare Foundation
- $4,000 FC Highschool Student Internship City/HACC
- $4,675 Harmony Conservation Club-Parking and visitor seating
- $11,600 Fillmore Central High Schools -Outdoor Improvements
- $10,000 Harmony Area Historical Society-PhaseIV-II Grain Elevator Project
- $10,000 Canton Historical Society Restoration RR Depot exterior/platform
- $3,225 Greenfield Lutheran-For non-denominational New Orleans field trip.
- $5,000 Harmony Conservation Club-Fourth of July Music at the Beer-Tent
- $1,400 Harmony Area Chamber of Commerce-Photograph Harmony
- $1,500 FC Scholarship Fund two $750 awards
- $6,397 Splashpad- Completion and New Feature
- $2,112 Monster Bash Inc. New Lighting
- $4,065 Fourth of July Harmony Area Chamber of Commerce
- $1,900 Harmony Area Chamber of Commerce-Alley Concert Jams
- $3,800 Canton Day Off- Ninja Anywhere
- $1,921 Downtown Signage- Harmony Area Chamber of Commerce
- $500 Harmony Community Healthcare Foundation
- $2,425 Harmony Firefighters- Fireworks equipment Extension
- $4,500 FC Highschool Student Internship City/HACC
- $15,000 Canton Veteran Memorial
- $1,500 FC Scholarship Fund 2- $750 awards
- $15,000 Harmony Veterans Memorial Phase 1
- $21,000 Harmony Veterans Memorial Phase 2
- $21,040 Harmony Splash Pad
- $1,000 Fillmore County Historical Society for New Archival Room
- $3,000 4th of July Harmony Area Chamber of Commerce
- $5,500 Back Alley Jam Concert Series Harmony Area Chamber of Commerce
- $983 Downtown Holiday Lighting Harmony Area Chamber of Commerce
- $15,000 Parks & Trails Harmony Trail Expansion.
- $90,000 Harmony Splash Pad
- $15,000 Harmony Conservation Club New Clubhouse
- $2,000 Fillmore Central Elementary Windscreen Project
- $1,500 Fillmore Central Scholarship Fund
- $1,500 Fillmore Central Art Department: Clay Recycling Pub Mill
- $1,226 Harmony Area Historical Society – Historic Photo Display
- $1,250 Monster Bash Inc. Covid Relief
- $7,000 Harmony Chamber – Miss Harmony Float
- $1,250 Fillmore Central High School Internship
- $15,000 Bike Trail Extension to Niagara Cave & Iowa Border
- $1,000 Fillmore County Veterans Home Project
- $10,000 Harmony North Park Basketball Court – Rehab
- $3,001 Harmony Area Chamber of Commerce – 4th of July Celebrations
- $900 Fillmore Food Shelf – Eoh
- $500 FCS Scholarship Fund – Eoh
- $500 Special Olympics Fillmore County – Eoh
- $1,554 SPLASH Pad
- $300 Empty Bowls Food Shelf fund raiser
- $501 Golden Happenings (chairs) Closed out – EOH
- $3,000 FC Schools Science Backpack Project
- $3,000 FC Highschool Student Internship
- $11,500 Harmony Helipad
- $5,000 Harmony Public Library matching funds for patio
- $2,000 Harmony Public Library patio
- $3,000 Live2Lead Workshop
- $2,000 Harmony Area Chamber of Commerce – 4th of July Celebrations
- $500 FC Highschool Art Department – Iron Pour Installation
- $2,785 Harmony Area Historical Society – Software Update GTM Funds
- $2,000 Golden Happenings – Senior Activities GTM Funds
- $3,350 Monster Bash Inc. – Exit Signs and Electrical GTM Funds
- $600 Harmony-Opoly Board Game Sponsorship
- $15,000 Fillmore Central Highschool Football Scoreboard
- $10,000 Harmony Area Historical Society – Grain Elevator Project Phase1
- $10,000 Harmony Firefighters Memorial (IMO Donald Wilken)
- $11,348 Trailhead Park Musical FreeNotes Equipment GTM Funds ($10,000 SMIF grant)
- $10,000 Matching funds for Firefighter Memorial
- $2,500 Golden Happenings Senior Group Activities
- $400 Fillmore County Food Shelf – EoH
- $500 Fillmore County Agricultural Society – Fairgrounds WWI Memorial
- $2,260 Harmony Downtown Decorative Waste Recepticles
- $10,000 Harmony Area Historical Society SMIF Community Collaboration
- $2,000 Chamber of Commerce 4th of July
- $965 Chamber of Commerce PA microphone and speaker set
- $200 Art Sculpture—Essence of Harmony
- $3,000 Mini Falcon Playscape
- $11,500 Harmony Helipad
- $4,000 Student Internship ($2.000 SMIF grant)
- $500 Empty Bowls—Essence of Harmony
- $500 Fillmore Central Scholarship Fund—Essence of Harmony
- $300 Fillmore County Special Olympics—Essence of Harmony
- $200 Preston Library Youth Program—Essence of Harmony
- $2,000 July 4 Celebration Festivities
- $ 500 Senior Activity Programming
- $4,000 Student Internship ($2.000 SMIF grant)
- $5,000 Monster Bash
- $ 200 Fillmore Central Backpack Program—Essence of Harmony
- $ 300 Empty Bowls—Essence of Harmony
- $ 300 Special Olympics—Essence of Harmony
- $ 500 Food Shelf—Essence of Harmony
- $1,525 Fillmore Central art department—-clay recycling pug mill
- $2,000 Harmony Area Chamber of Commerce—July 4th celebration
- $1,000 Miss Harmony Scholarship Pageant
- $1,000 Monster Bash
- $4,000 Early Childhood Reading Readiness Curriculum ($2,000 SMIF grant)
- $8,795 Selvig Park equipment loan
- $1,220 Community Center basketball backboards
- $15,000 Fillmore Central electronic signage
- $2,000 July 4 Children’s Carnival at Selvig Park
- $2,200 Harmony Area Historical Society room improvements
- $6,000 Fillmore Central preschool scholarships ($3,000 SMIF matching)
- $3,500 Community Garden
- $800 Buddy Bench for parks
- $6,000 School Readiness technology ($3,000 SMIF grant)
- $2,000 Fillmore Central laptop initiative ($2,000 initial SMIF grant)
- $500 Fillmore Central Monster Bash/music department
- $10,000 Selvig Park improvement ($5,000 SMIF matching)
Become a Founder Member today with your first annual donation of $100! Grow yourpledges over the years to these levels.
- Half Note – $1,000 – $4,999
- Whole Note – $5,000 – $9,999
- Concerto – $10,000 – $14,999
- Symphony – $15,000 – $24,999
- Maestro – $25,000+
If we all play together we can create a symphony to make our shared dreams happen within our community. Your contributions, like Notes on the Scale, can make our city’s dreams come true. No matter what the size of your note is, you can help us make the music happen in Harmony! You may choose which note you want to contribute to make our dreams come true!
How to make your donation:
- By Check – Make check out to Harmony Area Community Foundation.
- Mail checks to Harmony Area Community Foundation, PO Box 342, Harmony, MN 55939
- Donate Online: smifoundation.org/donations/harmony-area-community-foundation
Please contact harmonyacf@gmail.com with questions.
Your contribution is tax deductible due to our 501©(3) status with the Southern Minnesota Initiative Foundation.
Roxanne Johnson – President
Anne Koliha – Vice President
Steve Donney – Treasurer
Jackie Ward – Secretary
Carrie Bahl
Nathan Cremer
Jennifer Lindstrom
Becky Jones
Christopher Skaalen
Scott Snyder
Aubrey Johnson
Dan Dornink
Kierra Whitehill
Brielle Hjelmeland
Lily Miller
Delaney Yoder
Lillian Kiehne
HACF Grant Policy Procedure
- Grant Applications should be received at least two weeks before regularly scheduled quarterly meetings. Applications will be sent to board members for their review- any concerns should be forwarded to the President who will then share with the applicant. Applicant will be asked to attend the scheduled meeting to present their application and to answer any questions.
- Grant requests will wait for our regularly scheduled quarterly meetings.
- Grant Requirements must meet our mission statement- “To serve the City of Harmony and it’s surrounding area by supporting projects which improve the quality of life and build stronger communities”– and have ongoing community benefits and generally considered a one time gap financing of a project.
- Grant request voting to take place after applicant’s presentation and applicant has been dismissed.
- Secretary will notify applicant within 48 hours of board’s decision.