Wednesday, July 3rd

THURSDAY, July 4th
In case of inclement weather, Pedal Pull will be held in the Community Center Gym located at 225 3rd Ave SW.

All activities at Selvig Park will pause for the parade.
Featuring airplane flyover and Rochester Caledonian Bagpipers.
Sponsored by Kingsley Mercantile

In case of inclement weather, the concert will be held in the Community Center Gym located at 225 3rd Ave SW.

Fun Activities!
Bouncy Houses *
Mini Golf *
Balloons by Kevin
Farm Animals
Face Painting
Toad Races
Pony Rides *
Next Gen Gamerz
Located in Selvig Park
*Wristband Required $5 each

Harmony Lion’s Club
American Dairy Association
Fillmore County Pork Producers
Espadin Food Truck
Sunshine Concessions
Root River Kettle Korn
Ole & Lena’s Kitchen Food Truck

Wednesday, July 3rd
5-8pm | Main Street Harmony
8pm-Midnight | TROUBLE SHOOTER
– Beer Tent
Thursday, July 4th
11am-2pm | MUSIC by Paul Schmidt
– Selvig Park Gazebo
4:30-6:30pm | Sister Luv
– Selvig Park Gazebo
Friday, July 5th
12pm-Midnight | Rhino – Beer Tent
Saturday, July 6th
2pm | Sister Luv – behind BReaKers

Friday, July 5th

Saturday, July 6th
In case of inclement weather, Yoga will be held at 38 Main Ave. N.